1.‘Healeo Nutrition’ shall be taken to mean ‘Helious Outsourcing and Marketing Private Limited.’. ‘Mapmygenome’ shall be taken to mean ‘Mapmygenome India Ltd.’
2. All information appearing on the pages of the Healeo Nutrition website and supporting documentation is for information only. Persons entering the site have expressly accepted these terms and conditions. Healeo Nutrition has taken great care to ensure that the information contained within their website and other corporate documentation is accurate and complete, however no liability whatsoever is accepted by Healeo Nutrition should inaccuracies or incomplete information subsequently be found. Prices are subject to change.
3. 'Sample' or 'DNA sample' shall mean saliva sample accepted by Healeo Nutrition for DNA analysis. 'Genetic Assessment' and 'Genetic Test' shall refer to any type of Genetic Predisposition analysis and shall be carried out using whatever genetic test (or tests) deemed necessary by Healeo Nutrition. The Genetic Test and Predisposition will be carried out by our Reporting Partner ‘Mapmygenome’.
4. Healeo Nutrition will only conduct the requested DNA analysis on receipt of a completed Healeo Nutrition registration and order form accompanied by the correct fee for the service
requested. In addition the samples received must be in the Tube provided in the kit with the Barcode indicating that they have not been contaminated. Healeo Nutrition reserves the right to withhold test results until cleared payment has been received.
5. In the event that Healeo Nutrition initiates legal action or appoints an agent to recover unpaid testing fees we reserve the right to add reasonable collection expenses and legal costs to the outstanding debt. Stopped payments will incur a Rs. 2000/- administration fee when represented.
6. The test report is provided solely for the information of the applicant and is not deemed admissible as evidence in a court of law. If it is intended that the tests to be used in any court proceedings you should obtain independent legal advice before seeking a Genetic test and ensure that Healeo Nutrition is informed prior to commissioning the test.
7. The applicant confirms that they are legally entitled to possession of the samples supplied to Healeo Nutrition. The applicant accepts to cover Healeo Nutrition for any loss or damage that we may suffer as a result of the samples not having been obtained legally. Applicants should, if in any doubt, seek independent legal advice about their entitlement to obtain samples before doing so.
8. Submission of a sample with a completed registration form constitutes an order and authorizes Healeo Nutrition to commence the testing process and incur the associated fee. If after submission of same an order is cancelled, the fee is nonrefundable.
9. Healeo Nutrition cannot accept responsibility for errors or omission by the sampler or their agent, nor for samples delayed or mislaid by third party postal services.
10. In the event that the samples provided are inadequate (by either / or quality or quantity) for the purpose of conducting a DNA analysis, Healeo Nutrition reserves the right to request further samples.
11. Any samples submitted for testing in tubes other than that recommended by Healeo Nutrition, samples damaged or potentially compromised in transit, or samples supplied without a properly completed and verified registration and consent form may be rejected and destroyed by Healeo Nutrition without reservation.
12. Healeo Nutrition will take all reasonable steps to ensure that reports are provided within the advertised time frames but cannot accept any responsibility for delay caused by a third party or parties.
13. Healeo Nutrition will supply the report results only to the customer who has supplied the sample and completed the registration form (or the legal representatives /or through authorization).
14. All samples may be retained or destroyed by the testing lab after the test results have been supplied to the registered customer.
15. Any alleged claim for damages as a result of omission or malpractice shall be limited to Rs. 1000/- in respect of each test application. Any such claim will not be accepted unless it is made in writing within 30 days of the report release date.
16. This document and the services supplied by Healeo Nutrition are subject to Indian Law and the jurisdiction of the Bengaluru Courts. Healeo Nutrition undertake to deal with any complaint quickly and fairly.
17. Individual whose sample is being used for the genetic assessment will only have the sole access to the data. This data will not be shared with any other party unless your explicit written consent. Genetic Predisposition Assessment
Healeo Nutrition does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. You should consult your doctor or health professional if you have questions regarding any medical condition, before starting any new treatment, and before stopping any treatment that has been prescribed for you. Medical advice provided by your doctor or health professional supersedes all recommendations provided by Healeo Nutrition in any form. These Terms and Conditions should be read in conjunction with our general Terms and Conditions. We recommend that you also review our Privacy Policy, available on our website.
The Genetic Predisposition Assessment is provided with the understanding that neither Healeo Nutrition nor its licensors or suppliers are engaged in providing medical, legal, or other professional services or advice. The content is intended solely for your informational purposes and is not intended as medical advice, or to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. It is also not intended as a replacement for professional advice and services from a doctor or qualified health professional familiar with your personal medical history. While certain genetic markers, in this case SNPs, are associated with a higher incidence of
certain diseases or health conditions in certain populations, accessing your genetic information through Healeo Nutrition does not translate into a personal prediction. This is the case for several reasons:
Firstly, genetic information is usually just one factor in whether a person develops a disease or other health-related traits. Other factors include environmental conditions and how your genetic profile responds to these external conditions (gene/environment interactions).
Secondly, current understanding of the genetics of any particular disease or condition may be incomplete. For example, we may know that a particular SNP in a gene is associated, by proxy, with a disease, but not that a yet- unidentified SNP in another gene is also associated with that disease. Even after identifying a second, third or even fourth gene associated with a genetically complex disease, it is still unclear if these genes work in unison or independently. SNP associations also do not necessarily identify the biologically relevant
factors involved in a disease, but may simply be locational markers that flag a particular genetic involvement. Thirdly, gene/disease associations are typically based on ethnicity, and studies are generally
conducted in limited populations. That is,
1) they may provide understanding of a disease in a specific population, but not to any single member of the population, and
2) the associations may not have been studied in many world populations and may not apply in the same or similar ways across populations.
The genetic information provided by Healeo Nutrition about potential health conditions should not be used to estimate your overall risk of future disease.
The available genetic information could indicate higher risk and you might never get the disease. The available genetic information could indicate lower or average risk and you might already have or get the disease in the future. Furthermore, the Healeo Nutrition Genetic Predisposition Test is not designed to diagnose disease or medical conditions, and it is not intended to be medical advice. If you have concerns or questions about what you learn through Healeo Nutrition, you should contact your doctor or other appropriate
professional. You should seek the advice of a doctor or other qualified health professional with whom you have such a relationship if you have questions regarding any medical or psychiatric condition, or if you are experiencing any symptoms of, or believe you may have any medical or psychiatric condition, regardless of any information contained within your Genetic
Predisposition Report. You should not ignore professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of your Genetic Predisposition Report or any other content. Furthermore, you should not interpret your Genetic Predisposition Report or any other content as recommending any specific treatment plan, product or course of action. You should always consult your doctor or other qualified health professional before starting any new
treatment or stopping any treatment that has been prescribed for you by your doctor or other qualified health professional. By ordering a Healeo Nutrition Genetic Predisposition Test you agree to be bound by the
General Terms and Conditions, Genetic Predisposition Terms and Conditions and: You understand that Genetic Predisposition information you learn from Healeo Nutrition is not designed to diagnose, prevent, or treat any condition or disease or to ascertain the state of your health and that you understand that the Healeo Nutrition Genetic Predisposition services are intended for educational, informational, and research purposes only. You acknowledge that Healeo Nutrition urges you to seek the advice of health professionals if you have questions or concerns arising from your genetic information. You give permission to Healeo Nutrition, its contractors, and assignees to perform
genotyping services on the DNA extracted from your biological sample and to disclose the results of analyses performed on your DNA to you and others whom you specifically authorize.
You are guaranteeing that the sample you provide is your biological sample; if you are completing the consent form on behalf of a person for whom you have legal responsibility, you are confirming that the sample provided is the sample of that person. You are warranting that you are not an insurance company or an employer attempting to obtain information about an insured person or an employee. You are aware that some of the information you receive may provoke strong emotion. You take responsibility for all possible consequences resulting from your sharing access to your genetic and other contributed information.
You understand that your genetic and other contributed personal information will be stored in Healeo Nutrition research databases, and authorized personnel of Healeo Nutrition will conduct research using said databases.
You are aware that Healeo Nutrition will take reasonable measure to protect your genetic information with any third party. However, Healeo Nutrition shall not be held liable to loss of data due to malicious breaches by hackers or other elements. You will hold harmless Healeo Nutrition, its employees, contractors, successors, and assigns from any liability arising out of the use or disclosure of any information that is obtained from genotyping your biological sample, that is disclosed to you consistent with our Privacy Policy and resulting from any third-party add-ons to tools we provide. In addition, if you choose to provide your genetic or other contributed personal information to third parties-
whether individuals to whom you facilitate access, intentionally or inadvertently, or to third parties for diagnostic or other purposes, you agree to hold harmless Healeo Nutrition, its employees, contractors, successors, and assigns from any and all liability arising from such disclosure or use of your genetic or other contributed personal data. Please see our general Terms and Conditions for a complete understanding of other terms applicable to our services.
Helious Outsourcing and Marketing Private Limited and associated companies shall not be held responsible for the recommendations and lifestyle modifications given based on the tests and anything that might happen to you, as result of the DNA test. All recommendations provided by Helious Outsourcing and Marketing Private Limited should be discussed with your physician or healthcare professional before implementing to your lifestyle. You agree that you have the authority, under the laws of the country, state or jurisdiction in which you reside, to provide this consent.
The purpose of this molecular genetic test is to determine whether you carry variation(s) predisposing you to, or responsible for, a specified range of conditions or diseases. Due to the complexity of DNA based testing and the important implications of the test results, you may wish to consult your doctor or a genetic counsellor before ordering. This genetic predisposition report is provided to you for educational purposes, and it does not replace the advice or services of a doctor.
I submit this sample willingly and understand that Helious Outsourcing and Marketing
Private Limited will perform the Genetic Predisposition test in accordance with good
laboratory practices. I understand that this test is not designed to diagnose disease or
medical conditions, and it is not intended to be medical advice. The purpose of the
molecular genetic test is to ascertain if I am carrying variation(s) predisposing to or causing
the specific diseases or conditions covered in the ordered test. By signing this form, I
consent to the testing requested.
Parents, guardians or persons with Power of Attorney must sign for children under 18 or for
those who are mentally handicapped or otherwise incapacitated. I understand that results
will be available approximately 4 weeks from when the sample is returned. Once you
acquire genetic information, the knowledge is irreversible.
After testing is completed, I understand that my biological sample may be disposed of or
retained indefinitely for research, test validation, to provide me with updates about my
genetic profile and/or education, as long as my privacy is maintained. I understand that no
compensation will be given nor will funds be forthcoming due to any invention(s) resulting
from research and development using the specimens submitted. I understand that I may
refuse to submit my specimen for use in this way and may withdraw my consent at any time
by contacting Helious Outsourcing and Marketing Private Limited. I understand that my
refusal to consent to medical research will not affect my results.
I consent to the use of my sample for research
I have read, or have had read to me, all of the above statements together with the Terms &
Conditions and understand the information regarding molecular Genetic Predisposition
testing. I have had the opportunity to ask questions I might have about the testing, the
procedure, the risks, and the alternatives prior to my informed consent.
I understand that Healeo Nutrition will not be held liable for any adverse or unexpected
outcomes that may arise from the program.
I agree to have the molecular Genetic Predisposition testing performed Helious
Outsourcing and Marketing Private Limited.
Important: Failure to complete this form in its entirety, including the consent signature
above, may prevent your samples from being processed by Helious Outsourcing and
Marketing Private Limited.
Please check all forms and instructions prior to forwarding your sample to Helious
Outsourcing and Marketing Private Limited for analysis.