DNA-based Diet Vs. Normal Diet for Weight loss

When it comes to formulating a diet plan, there is no thumb rule. People who diet to lose a few kgs casually cut off the calorie intake from the diet, whereas those who consciously want to get the desired shape go to dieticians for professional assistance.

There are different types of diets formulated according to different techniques. The normal diet plan is drafted according to the simple body, social and environmental conditions. The Keto diet keeps crabs low, protein and fats quantity high, and the DNA diet depends on body conditions.

If you want to know how DNA-based and normal diets affect the body, you are at the right place. In this article, we will discuss which diet is better for weight loss.

How does Diet Affect Weight Loss?

A person's weight loss is connected to access to healthy food, genetics, physical activities, and eating habits. The major factor in losing weight is the number of calories a person burns by exercising. Calories are the unit that indicates the quantity of energy in food and drinks.

For most people, steady weight loss can be achieved by reducing 1200 to 1500 calorie intake. However, the speed of your weight loss also depends on how consciously you follow your diet plan and your type of diet. A simple diet helps decrease fats, but a DNA-based diet in manifold chances of enhanced increased speed.

DNA-based Diet Vs. Normal Diet

If you are confused about which diet plan is more beneficial and if the DNA test is worth it or not, stick to us till the end.

Normal Diet for Weight Loss

Normal and DNA diets focus on the same thing but with different processes. A normal diet is formulated by analyzing surface aspects. They only consider weight, age, environmental factors, like, dislike, etc.

A normal diet plan directly eradicates carbs, fats, and calories from the diet plan. According to dietitians, they are the major building blocks that support fat accumulation in the body. Cutting them significantly helps control the weight.

They instruct the person to switch to a Mediterranean diet. It emphasizes eating required fats and carbs with a considerable quantity of fresh fruits, olive oil, nuts, and other vegetables. Only a modest amount of cheese is allowed to be eaten. Moreover, they also add regular exercises to daily activities to increase impact and speed.


  • A natural diet follows the more generalized plan.
  • They formulate the plan depending on general facts
  • It is a steady weight loss plan

DNA Based Diet

A DNA-based diet contains more personalized advice from experts. They give advice depending on the appetite, metabolism, genetic makeup, blood sugar, and above all, the formation of fat cells.

It is directly opposite to one-size-fits-all yet remains in the standard nutrition recommendations for health. According to research, a low-GI diet had individualized dietary instructions depending on distinct genetic results.

Regardless of differences in DNA tests and prominent genetic conflict, experts always advise following some basic rules, such as focusing on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and complex carbohydrates as their main source of nutrients and carbohydrates. Moreover, people are suggested to add limited sugar and saturated fats for more beneficial results.


  • Offers personalized plan depending on your body condition
  • It helps lose weight fast without losing muscles
  • It helps set realistic goals
  • trainers get the idea of which physical exercise will work for you
  • A DNA-based diet shows instant results
  • It has no side effects
  • Show 100% results as it keeps your body conditions in mind

Which Diet is Good for you?

It is essential to choose a diet that is healthy, effective, beneficial, and that you can stick to. For many people, consuming a balanced diet is safe and offers a proven approach to losing weight that can become part of healthy habits.

However, when discussing any diet plan's effectiveness, there is no option other than a DNA-based diet. It is a personalized diet based on your body condition. The DNA test elucidates body composition, how stored fats react to cardio exercise and how speedily the muscle recovers or build-up with strength training.

An expert considers all these factors to formulate an effective diet plan as it is always said that the diet should be based not only on your lifestyle but also on medical conditions. Through DNA tests, you and your dietitian will learn deeply about medical conditions, healthy eating, and optimal weight loss.

How to Get DNA Tested?

As DNA testing is a new technique in the field of weight loss, many myths have been circulating about it. However, the truth is that it is not only safe but also effective if you get tested in an authentic and right place. In our opinion, Healeo Nutrition is the best option.

Healeo offers India's first DNA-based weight management program. This program is run by experienced Nutrigenomics and well-trained assistant staff.

You can book a consult with their nutrigenomic expert and they will access whether you are eligible for the program. They also have strong and highly responsive customer support. Here their expert team is always available to answer your query, doubts, and treatment-related concerns you have.

Their DNA lead program helps create accurate and to-the-point lifestyle changes without considering traditional programs that follow trails and prolong results. Instead, they incorporate some physical exercises to improve speed and results.


Dieting is not a piece of cake. It is quite a challenging task that demands effort and determination. There are different methods to follow for healthy weight loss. Initially, traditional or regular methods were used, but innovative techniques have made it possible to focus on the individual self.

Before formulating the diet, it is suggested to go for a DNA test first. It is the test that reveals the body's composition and effective rate. After analyzing your body condition, the doctor formulates a DNA-based diet that is more effective and useful. If you are dieting but not losing weight, this innovative technology will help by revealing reason and offering a solution accordingly.