How much water should I drink for weight loss?

When one mentions losing weight, water cannot be dispensed with. It serves not only to quench your thirst but also for metabolism and creating a feeling of fullness. If you're wondering how much water to drink to lose weight, here is a science-backed guide followed by practical tips on how to optimize your hydration levels for blasting that extra fat.

Water for Weight Loss

Water has a role in all human body functions, from digestion and absorption to circulation and regulation of body temperature. When it comes to weight loss, here's how adequate hydration can help one in achieving their targets:

Boosting Metabolism

Taking an adequate amount of water temporarily boosts metabolism and increases the rate at which a person burns his/her calories.

Appetite Control

Sometimes, thirst is confused with hunger. Drinking enough water before meals helps to make one fuller, hence reducing the number of calories one consumes.

Higher Exercise Performance

Water intake prior to, during, and after exercise helps the proper physical performance of individuals for more effective burning of calories.

How Much Water Should You Drink?

The often-heard but somewhat exaggerated recommendation of drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day (the 8x8 rule) is a useful rule of thumb for general hydration. However, individual water needs are highly variable and depend on many factors:

Learn more Hydration Tips by Haeleo Nutrition!

Body weight

This is considered the general rule for fluid intake: 0.5–1 ounce per pound of body weight. A person weighing 150 pounds would want to consume 75–150 ounces daily. Healeo's Fat Burner Coffee combines natural ingredients known for their fat-burning properties with the added benefit of boosting energy. 

Physical Activity

Water is lost when you sweat, and exercise accelerates this process. Therefore, those who have a regular course of physical activity may need more water to maintain proper hydration.

Climate & Environment

Higher intake would be indicated in hot and humid weather since these conditions increase water loss.

Signs of Proper Hydration

You should know signs of both dehydration and proper hydration so that you can alter your intake of water accordingly. 

Dehydration Signs

Dry mouth, dark colored urine, fatigue, dizziness, headache.

Body Alert

The urine will be clear or light in color, one will be alert and energized, regular bowel movements.

Hydration Tips

Drink Water Before Meals

Drinking water before meals can lead to a reduction in calorie intake by creating a feeling of fullness.

Spice it up

If plain water is not your choice, flavor it with lemons, berries, or cucumber for an added twist without extra calories. In addition to dietary sources, consider supplementing your Vitamin B12 intake with Healeo's premium Vitamin B12 drops. Crafted with high-quality ingredients, Healeo's Vitamin B12 offers a convenient way to support your overall well-being and promote optimal lung function.

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Make use of apps or put reminders in your phone to help remind you to drink water throughout your busy day.

Monitor Your Intake

Keep a log for water or make use of water-tracking applications to see how much you drink every day.

Other Hydration Sources

While water is the ultimate source of hydration, many other beverages and even foods really provide most of what we need for daily intake:

Herbal Tea & Coffee

Herbal teas are calorie-free and sometimes may prove to be a hydrating choice beside water. Healeo's Fat Burner Coffee combines natural ingredients known for their fat-burning properties with the added benefit of boosting energy. This makes our coffee an ideal choice for those looking to lose fat fast, supported by positive feedback from many of our customers.  Ready to accelerate your weight loss journey? Visit Healeo Nutrition to explore our Fat Burner Coffee and other products. Take the first step towards a healthier you today,

Order Healeo's Fat Burner Coffee Now and Take the First Step Towards a Healthier You!

Fruits & Vegetables

Many fruits and vegetables, especially watermelons, cucumbers, and oranges, have high percentages of water in them.


In other words, proper hydration is one factor in total good health and might even become your very strong supporting mechanism for weight loss. If you know how much water to drink daily, considering your needs, and implement some ways of increasing this intake, then it becomes easy to maximize your hydration so as to hit your goals. Keep in mind that the real trick to all this lies in the consistency, making hydration a priority each day, reaping from the benefits of a well-hydrated body.

Stay tuned with Healeo Nutrition for such paramount tips of Healthiness! For individualistic, tailored advice on hydration and weight loss, consult a registered dietitian or nutritionist. Stay hydrated, stay healthy!