Joint Forte brought back my career! 

-  Rajiv Taneja

Reporting and punching in at the correct time in the office becomes so important for corporate employees that you often forget to punch in for your health at the right time and so did I. Hi, my name is Rajiv Taneja and I work as a Product Manager at a Fintech firm in Mumbai. Once you enter corporate and cross a certain age, your life is all about client updates, project management, work pressure, and EMIs. You keep on struggling between unattended emails, family conversations, etc and in between all of this, you completely forget your declining health. Due to unbalanced health and work, my health deteriorated over time and I didn’t pay much attention to it. 

I started working at the age of 25 with an ambition to achieve something great in my career, and with this aim, I worked with various firms. I used to travel mostly on local trains and even today I do the same. I use public transport and in all of this hassle, my knee took a serious toll one day but I ignored it. Amongst all the other important things, I put my health on the last card which became a serious issue later.   

In 2021 while coming back from the office I got injured and had a fracture in my left leg. After all the medical appointments and medicines, I got up from the wheelchair just to know I could not sit or drive properly anymore because of excessive pain in my joints, being dejected by what happened I continued to travel with my joint pain. Little did I know that this mistake would lead to serious repercussions making my joint health worse. After being told by my doctor that I couldn’t work anymore from the office, I had no other option but to work from home, and that too occasionally due to my inability to sit through hours in front of my laptop. I lost all hope and decided to quit my career, but I was really worried about my savings and budget more than that I was disheartened that I wouldn’t be able to work anymore.

After almost a year, my brother came back from Chennai and he suggested Healeo’s Joint Forte, a supplement to improve joint health. I was quite skeptical at first but then he got it from their website. I started using it consistently for a few weeks and I couldn’t believe the kind of relief it gave me. From the initial weeks, I felt my joints relaxing and the stiffness vanished after a few days. All I did was take one scoop of Joint Forte daily after my lunch. With regular use of the product, I witnessed a lot of changes, from unbearable muscle cramps I started moving slowly and I could walk without any support after a month. 


With Healeo’s Joint Forte, I experienced improved bone density, strengthened bone and joint health, and easier movement without jolts in the affected area. What I loved about the product is how it comes in a powder form and you can consume it with water once a day after any meal. With a 15-20 minute walk and a good healthy eating routine, I got my normal routine back. By the end of the third month, I felt much better and joined my office. I can now walk perfectly without any muscle or joint pain. I try to balance my work and health together to not repeat the same mistakes and I still continue to use Healeo’s Joint Forte to maintain my joint health for a better life. 


I understand that it’s important to put your health above all the work and I am glad that I am writing this review from my office being perfectly fine and healthy. Today when I look back on those past few months, I realise how Healeo’s Joint Forte and Vitamin D3+K2 Drops has helped me throughout my toughest phase and helped me get back on my knees.